Starting a new corporation

Starting a corporation requires a lot of effort and commitment. It’s important to know what's involved and whether it's right for you. If it is, then do your best to set up a good structure from the start.

Some things to consider:

  • Does your group have the right skills? Running a corporation requires a wide range of skills such as business, personal and interpersonal skills.
  • Are you committed? Depending on your purpose and objectives, you may need to put in a lot of hours and even weekends. When times are tough this can be challenging. Make sure you’re prepared to keep working even when things are hard. 
  • How will you fund your activity? You might be forming a corporation to simply hold title to land, you might want to undertake a project or you might have an exciting business venture in mind. Make sure you've thought about what you hope to do and how you intend to fund it. If you're planning on running a business there may be up front costs and you may not start making money for some time. 
  • It's okay to decide not to start. There is a lot of work and risks in running a corporation. If the time or circumstances aren't right for you now, you can reassess later on.

Who this training is for

This is for groups looking to start a new corporation and existing entities looking to transfer their incorporation from another legislative framework or to amalgamate with other entities.

We'll cover

  • what incorporation means
  • the CATSI Act legislative framework and corporate structures
  • an overview of requirements and processes for operating as a registered Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander corporation
  • the steps to register

For groups that are ready to begin the registration process we can couple this workshop with a rule book design workshop—this workshop we explain rule requirements under the CATSI Act and facilitate discussion and decision-making to draft your own rule book for your corporation.

We call this our pre-incorporation doorway service.

How to request this workshop

Email: or freecall: 1800 622 431