A new spin on community sport

An idea to build an inclusive cricket carnival sparked a corporation’s journey to support overall community wellbeing through sport. The carnival was set up to bring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of all ages together: to have fun, be healthy and be together, in honour of living legend, Stan Alberts. Ten years on, and it has become a feeder to professional leagues and a networking opportunity for sporting organisations as teams of under 7s up to Masters converge on the town of Rockhampton in Queensland.

Prosecution action for failing to report

Corporations must lodge annual reports by 31 December each year unless we granted you extra time to lodge. Check your reporting status and full history in your corporation extract using 'Find a corporation' (corporation register). 

For recent years you can check our list of corporations with overdue reports for 2022–23 and 2021–22. If your corporation is on this list it may be deregistered or referred for prosecution. 

See recent prosecution outcomes for failure to lodge reports.

Tax exemption changes for 2023–24

Not-for-profit corporations that are not charities have to lodge an annual self-review return between July and October with the ATO to be exempt from paying income tax. See a summary

Detailed information from the ATO

Rule book compliance by RNTBCs

Update from the Registrar on compliance and current regulatory action. 

Latest CATSI conversations episode

Under examination

Examinations can identify governance issues and concerns, but also offer helpful advice for corporations to improve. Georgina Richters hosts this discussion on examinations with Registrar of Indigenous Corporations Tricia Stroud, Billy Landy, Steve Klomp and Peter McQuoid.