Rule book workshop for RNTBCs on amendments to native title law

RNTBCs, like every corporation, have a rule book which sets out the internal governance rules that apply to the corporation. 

RTNBCs have special responsibilities associated with being the corporation determined as holding and managing the native title rights and interests recognised in a determination of native title. From 25 March 2023 RNTBCs are required to have particular rules about disputes and membership.

In this workshop you'll learn about

  • why the rule book is so important
  • the requirements for internal governance rules arising from the changes to native title law
  • types of rules under the CATSI Act
  • the process for changing a rule book
  • what happens if you don’t have the changes in place – how the law applies to your RNTBC

What happens in the workshop

In this workshop a facilitator will:

  • explain the rules that RNTBCs need to have to meet the requirements Native Title Act and CATSI Act
  • guide your group through the process of checking if your current rule book already meets the requirements of the native title amendments and if not, what changes need to be made to ensure it does
  • guide discussion and decision-making for you to design replacement rules to take to your members. 

Outcomes of the workshop

The aim is for your working group to leave the workshop with a set of draft documents that you can continue to refine or present to your corporation members for their consideration:

  • a rule book 
  • a notice of a general meeting with an agenda and showing the proposed special resolution.

Who is it for?

This workshop is for RNTBCs – either the board or a rule book working group. 

In some corporations the board reviews the rules, in others the board appoints a working group to do it. The working group could have a mix of corporation members, common law holders, a person from your native title representative body or a person with skills or expertise in designing rules. The ideal size of a group of people for a working group is no more than 7.


  • online workshop – 2 hours
  • in-person workshop – 3 hours

How to request this workshop

Form: Request a workshop where ORIC comes to you

We will do our best to accommodate requests however please be aware that the Registrar’s resources are finite. 

Our priority, as always, is on empowering you to run your corporation by providing you with all the information and resources you need to make the changes yourself, or with support from your native title representative body or service provider. We also provide support through reviewing your drafts and making suggestions.