CATSI fact sheets

The fact sheets below are short and provide information on particular topics about the CATSI Act and running corporations.

They're also available in hard copy—call 1800 622 431 or email

A corporation's rule book: what you need to know

The rules that guide how each corporation should be run are set out in their rule book. 

This fact sheet provides a summary of what's usually in a rule book and provides a list of provisions from the CATSI Act that deal with the internal governance of corporations. Including which rules can be replaced by corporations in their rule book.


Amalgamation—information for existing corporations

Under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 two or more existing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations can apply to form a new Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation. This is called amalgamating.

This fact sheet provides an overview of the process for corporations to amalgamate and includes an example letter to creditors and minutes for a general meeting of members.


Becoming a corporation member

This fact sheet covers key rules of corporation membership. It also explains how a person becomes and stops being a member of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation.


Contact persons and secretaries

The size of your corporation determines whether it needs a contact person or a secretary. Small and medium corporations have a contact person and large corporations have a secretary.

A contact person acts as a mail box for their corporation—their job is to pass on all communications (letters, emails, telephone calls and messages) to at least one of the directors of the corporation within 14 days of receiving them.

A secretary is also the central contact point for their corporation but they have additional duties. Because large corporations usually have greater legal responsibilities and more administrative tasks to perform, the secretary's role is to assist the directors in meeting them.

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Contact persons and secretaries 441.46 KB

Corporation size and reporting

Attachment Size
Corporation size and reporting (A4 pages) 634.36 KB

Decision making in registered native title bodies corporate (RTNBCs)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations who are determined as registered native title bodies corporate (PBCs) are required to many types of decisions. Some decisions might be related to native title, others may relate to other day-to-day corporate operations and requirements under other laws. It’s important to make sure decisions are made the right way, by the right people.


Dispute resolution

Poorly handled disputes can significantly affect a corporation, its members and everyday business. Under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act) the Registrar can help corporations find a way to solve disagreements and problems (disputes).

(Publishing: minor update 2017)

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Dispute resolution - A4 pages 350.82 KB

Disqualification from managing corporations under the CATSI Act

This fact sheet is intended as a quick overview of the topic disqualification from managing corporations under the CATSI Act.


Duties of directors and other officers

The Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 sets out the duties required of directors and other officers. These duties are consistent with the duties under common law and in the Corporations Act 2001.

(Publishing: minor update 2017)


Handling complaints

Running a corporation is not always easy. People have different experiences and opinions, and sometimes things go wrong. But with the right attitude and a good process, responding to a complaint can strengthen a corporation.

This fact sheet sets out what corporations should consider in designing their own complaints-handling policy and procedures.

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Handling complaints 686.52 KB

Lodge online

Under the CATSI Act corporations must lodge reports and notify the Registrar of certain changes to corporation information. This is so the Registrar can maintain the Register of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations.

You can lodge at

This fact sheet sets out who can lodge, what can be lodged and how to apply for a user account.

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Lodge online 363.17 KB

Making a complaint about a corporation

If you are dissatisfied with a corporation’s service, conduct or performance, you can make a complaint. When you do, make sure you are very clear on your concerns, and give people a chance to respond effectively.

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Making a complaint about a corporation 539.43 KB

Making decisions about native title and compensation applications (flow chart)

Before a registered native title body corporate (RNTBC) makes a native title decision or a decision to apply for compensation they must consult and obtain the consent of the common law holders whose native title rights and interests will be affected. 

The RNTBC must then make the decision in line with the common law holders directions.


Meetings for directors

Directors must hold regular directors’ meetings to ensure that the business of the corporation is on track and looked after. Directors must attend and take an active part in directors’ meetings.

This fact sheet covers the business of directors' meetings, how to call and prepare for a meeting, running the meeting and what to do after.


Meetings for members

Attachment Size
Meeting for members (A4 single page) 971.71 KB

Members' rights

As a member of a corporation you have certain rights. If you know what they are, it puts you in a better position to play an active part in your corporation.

(Publishing: minor update 2017)

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Members' rights (A4 single) 747.74 KB
Members' rights (A3 spread) 893.27 KB

Minutes of meetings

Attachment Size
Minute of meetings 399.84 KB

Rule book changes for RNTBCs

On 25 March 2021, changes to the Native Title Act 1993 (NTA) and Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Act 2006 (CATSI Act) came into effect. The changes require all registered native title bodies corporate (RNTBCs) to ensure their rule books meet certain requirements for membership and disputes.

This fact sheet includes:

  • a list of the changes that corporations need to make
  • when the changes need to be made by
  • the steps a corporation needs to take to change its rule book


