Tasmanian corporation to receive assistance

The Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, Anthony Beven, has today placed the Six Rivers Aboriginal Corporation under special administration. The appointment comes after all five of the current directors wrote to the Registrar to request a special administrator.

The corporation is based in Latrobe near Devonport in Tasmania. Over the past few years the corporation has undergone significant changes to its operations and is in need of a re-structure.

The directors of the corporation wrote to the Registrar in March 2012 and asked for assistance in determining the future of the corporation.

Mr Danny Keep and Ms Natasha Keep from the Hobart-based firm of Business and Community have been appointed as the joint and several special administrators of the corporation. Business and Community specialises in change management and have extensive experience working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities around Australia.

‘The special administrators will work closely with the members of the corporation and its key stakeholders on reform options for the corporation. The ongoing role of the corporation will be much clearer by the end of the special administration in six months’ time.’ Mr Beven said.

Special administration is a special measure under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 which helps corporations to fix their problems. The aim of the process is to restore a corporation to good health and once this is achieved to return control to members as soon as possible. For more information see ORIC’s fact sheet Special administrations: what members and directors should know at www.oric.gov.au.

Media contact
Christa de Jager
(02) 6146 4737
26 April 2012
Ref: ORIC MR1112-34

Special administrators:
Danny Keep and Natasha Keep
(03) 6225 2222 (office)
0417 504 025 (Danny); 0418 116 728 (Natasha)
danny@wearebac.biz; Natasha@wearebac.biz
