Special administrations extended at Narooma and Yirrkala

The Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, Mr Anthony Beven, has today announced extensions to the terms of the special administrations of the Katungul Aboriginal Corporation Community and Medical Services (Katungul) and the Laynhapuy Homelands Aboriginal Corporation (Laynhapuy).

‘A great deal of progress has been made with both special administrations and both corporations are in a much better position now than they were at the outset,’ Mr Beven said.

‘However, there is still some important work to be completed and therefore the special administrations have been extended for a short period to ensure the corporations are ready to resume the important services they provide to their members and communities.’

The special administration at Katungul has been extended by three months and is now due to end on 28 September 2012. The special administration at Laynhapuy has been extended for two months and will end on 31 August 2012. The appointments of the special administrators at both corporations have also been extended.


Katungul was initially placed under special administration for six months on 12 December 2011 and Laynhapuy was placed under special administration for six months on 23 January 2012.

Media contact
Christa de Jager
(02) 6146 4737
2 July 2012
Ref: ORIC MR1213-01
