The Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, Mr Selwyn Button, has today placed the Aboriginal Prisoners and Offenders Support Services Aboriginal Corporation (APOSS) under special administration.
Located in Adelaide, APOSS registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 in 2016. It receives federal government funding to help Indigenous detainees (including juvenile offenders) to reintegrate into community after their release from South Australian prisons and detention centres. Each caseworker employed by APOSS provides intensive case management beginning three to six months prior to a detainee’s release and continuing for 12 months after. Caseworkers engage with families, carers, guardians and communities to improve the person’s situation and instigate long-term behavioural change.
On 20 March 2019, the CEO of APOSS resigned suddenly. At that time, the APOSS board of directors was not operating in quorate. On 2 April, the directors requested the appointment of a special administrator, acknowledging that the corporation was dysfunctional due to the incomplete board and the CEO’s sudden resignation. The directors expressed their concern that without assistance, APOSS would be unable to continue serving its clients.
‘This corporation provides a vital service for Indigenous people in need of a fresh start,’ said Mr Button. ‘With no CEO and only five directors, APOSS have made the right call to seek assistance from my office through a special administration.’
The Registrar has appointed Jack James and Paula Smith from Palisade Business Consulting as the special administrators of APOSS until 11 October 2019.
Media contact
Lisa Hugg
(02) 6146 4738
ORIC MR1819-12
5 April 2019