From today the members of the Burringurrah Community Aboriginal Corporation will regain control of their corporation. The Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, Anthony Beven, is pleased to announce that the special administration of the corporation has come to an end.
Burringurrah is a remote Aboriginal community of approximately 200 people located about 450 km east of Carnarvon in Western Australia. The corporation provides municipal services for the community under several funding agreements. It also has control of the only store in the community.
An examination of the corporation’s books in November 2008 revealed a significant number of breaches of the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act) and the rules of the corporation.
The Registrar placed the corporation under special administration on 10 March 2009 and appointed Michael Carmody as the special administrator.
‘I asked the special administrator to review the operation and management of the corporation’, Mr Beven said. ‘Mr Carmody focused on improving the financial position of the corporation and maintaining food security for the community’.
- During the special administration the corporation:
- established a new accounting system with training for local staff
- secured funding for municipal service delivery and a women’s issues project
- appointed an experienced CEO to continue improving business systems, records, management and accountability
- successfully bid for a CDEP program in partnership with the Upper Gascoyne Shire
- appointed an experienced external company to manage the store
- registered a new corporation to oversee the operations of the store
- created a circle of elders advisory group
- held an AGM and elected new directors
- developed a new rule book in line with the CATSI Act and the wishes of the community.
‘The new directors and staff will also participate in two days of intense governance training provided by my office’, Mr Beven said. ‘The corporation has made great progress. My office will continue to provide mentoring and support to the corporation as it continues to strengthen its operations and governance’.
Lisa Donnelly
02 6219 7611
1 October 2009
ORIC MR0910-10