The Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, Anthony Beven, today announced the end of the special administration of the Doon Doon Pastoral Aboriginal Corporation.
Based in the Aboriginal community of Woolah in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, the corporation’s main activity is the management of the historic Doon Doon cattle station. The Western Australian Aboriginal Lands Trust (ALT) has for many years granted Doon Doon sub‑leasing rights.
The Registrar appointed Mr Andrew West as the special administrator of the corporation on 31 March 2016 after the directors failed to make any attempt to resolve financial, governance and operational problems that placed the corporation at risk of losing the cattle station.
‘There was no option but to step in,’ said Mr Beven. ‘A point had been reached at which the ALT was not in a position to renew the sub‑lease unless changes were made at the corporation.’
Management structures have been overhauled and measures put in place to lift governance standards. Doon Doon’s financial position has also been reviewed.
‘Mr West has confirmed the corporation’s viability, engaged a professional accounting firm to maintain its financial accounts and records, and made important changes to the corporation’s rule book,’ said Mr Beven. ‘Most importantly Mr West has submitted a formal application to the ALT to renew the sub-lease for the cattle station.’
A new board of directors has been appointed comprising traditional owners of the lands in and around Doon Doon cattle station plus an independent director with a proven track record in the cattle management business.
‘I’m optimistic about the future of Doon Doon, but it is dependent on the renewal of the sub‑lease,’ said Mr Beven. ‘The special administration has reset Doon Doon on a straight and viable path in a relatively quick time and, hopefully soon, it will again be able to offer training and employment opportunities to the local people in its cattle operations.’
The Registrar’s office will monitor the corporation closely over the next 12 months and also offer governance training for the new directors as soon as practical.
For more information please see media release of 31 March 2016: ORICMR1516-18.
Media contact
Patricia Gibson (02) 6146 4743
ORIC MR1617-02
29 July 2016