News and reports

ORIC offers a range of news articles and reports designed to provide information on our activities and highlight stories of good governance at corporations.

Media releases
ORIC assists the media with information or comment relating to activities of the office.

The ORIC Oracle newsletter is published four times a year. It is distributed to all corporations registered under the CATSI Act as well as to subscribers.

Spotlight on
Each month ORIC highlights the achievements of a different Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation. 'Spotlight on' is an opportunity for corporations to share their good news stories.

Research reports and papers on various themes
One of ORIC's functions is improve knowledge of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporate sector.

Top 500 reports
ORIC produces an annual analysis of the 500 top-earning corporations

Reports on complaints and external administrations in the sector

Prosecution outcomes
A summary of court outcomes arising from prosecution action by the Registrar.

ORIC submissions
ORIC contributes to law reform and reviews that are relevant to Indigenous organisations.